3 Out Of 5 Stars
A bad movie with a handful of things that I really liked!
“Star-gazing wizards
stare into the night
Hurricanes and
Here comes the final
Thunder in the sky,
the mighty wheels roll on
We are the phantom
We charge a thousand
When gods collide
The seas will divide
The sky will explode
When gods collide
Let the death match
… Let the blood run
red” –Thor
When the anger boiling in our hearts disrupts the ether, and
the gloomy heavens reflect the disdain of our conflict with one another, just
how much will we destroy ourselves to satisfy our emotions? On everyday levels, we experience such. Yet director Zack Snyder (300, Man of Steel) takes us through an
experience where we journey beyond the day to day collisions and into a world
where gods battle internal and external struggles to assuage their personal
satisfaction, or sacrifice such for the greater good.
This is what happens … when gods collide.
The two biggest names in all of comic book history are
FINALLY in the same movie! This is what
comic book geeks and children both now and children in heart have been waiting
for their entire lives! With the new
presence of Detective Comics (DC) in Hollywood, Warner Bros. and the Snyder
power of director Zack and his wife, producer Deborah, have now established a
new cinematic universe that us fan boys have made to rival that of the already
furbished Marvel. THIS is that movie, to
kick start things.
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The Big 3 to unite the 7 (The Justice League)! |
After a rumble of an initiative, as Man of Steel 2 and then Man
of Steel 2 featuring Batman and
then to what it eventually evolved into what it is now: The Beginning of the DC Extended Universe (DCEU), I see Snyder kept
the origins as this story centers around Superman and the chaos he ensued in
his first film which is the real beginning of DC’s Hollywood presence and the actual,
real kick start. As much as I enjoyed
listening to Hans Zimmer’s score for Man
of Steel, it was all over this film giving the impression that this was
indeed still Man of Steel 2 and not
the beginning of the DCEU. It felt as if
they got lazy in this department and didn’t want to invent new music, a new
theme for this newly created world. All
while infusing the similar themes of Superman while introducing others for new
characters like Batman, a theme we’re all interested in knowing what his new
sound will sound like. But, we get reminded this is just an extension
of the previous Superman film which ties into this one; where the aftermath
leaves Bruce Wayne with distaste towards this god-like entity that can “burn
the whole place down if he wanted to”.
People of Metropolis are scared, some see good in his heart and give him
the benefit of the doubt, most, like Bruce, want him gone or dead. People are in a panic! The seeds of hate are now planted which is to
lead us to the fight we’ve all waited our entire lives to witness!
Well, it was a good effort.
Despite all the negativity that surrounded it, there was a lot of
potential here that could’ve silenced a lot of people who immediately judged it
and deemed it as terrible before letting it breathe and seeing for themselves what
the real verdict was going to be, simply because a lead actor was cast that
they didn’t agree with such a casting (Ben Affleck as Batman). I’ve waited a life time for paper-thin reasoning
to properly establish “why”, the big question here. “Why are they fighting?” Every mundane, doesn’t care a whole lot about
movies, I just want to see something entertaining, run of the mill moviegoer
asked this question. And honestly, even
though I know the textbook answer that Snyder would give to this, however, it
really wasn’t answered. In all of the
marketing that I enjoyed experiencing, it’s not made clear which is where it
really should’ve been. As the title suggests,
which finally derived from the evolution of the premise and direction of this
story, a simple, clear-cut, explanation of what this film is about and WHY IT’S
HAPPENING was not delivered: Batman
fighting Superman and how they put aside their differences for the beginning of
the Justice League. Any regular
moviegoer couldn’t answer why the two biggest heroes are going at each other
instead of working on the side of good like we’re used to seeing them as. This should’ve been the focus, in the
marketing and more importantly in the actual story. Having experienced such story, and received
elaboration on the reasons as to why that no one but us comic and movie geeks
knew, I was let down.
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Diana Prince and Bruce Wayne exchange flirtatious pleasantries at a cocktail party. |
Let down that the
reason we see some of these cool images of the fight scenes (SO glad I saw it
in REAL IMAX first!) that I so wanted to get behind and stick it to all
the negative nay-sayers, were just a simple misunderstanding and our god-like
heroes that we’ve worshipped all our lives are just acting like children who
need to grow up. No real burning
evidence engrained and fire stamped on our hearts that these two have every
reason to fight each other. Grown-ups,
not children with limp hands and open palmed slap fighting, grown-ups, with all
the intel and emotion that’s been building and building and building all movie
long (for 2 years now in real life and in the movie), to end in a heart
wrenched, and dramatic moment that we’ve waited a lifetime to witness. The rain is pouring, the thunder is rumbling,
our hearts are beating so loud we can actually hear them, we’re on the edge of
our seats, tears are coming out of our eyes because each side believes with
everything they hold dear, why they have to take out the other, thus forcing
us to pick sides and become divided as an audience as the world we’re engulfed
in is divided. There’s accredited,
believable, real evidence as to why this moment has to happen, why they have to
fight, we’re crying because all the emotions of not wanting our two biggest
heroes in the history of comics to fight, but because the build up perfectly
justifies itself as a presence, we continue to cry because we know this fight
has to happen even though we don't want it to. And so it does. And so they fight. And we can’t believe what we experience … the
dawn … of justice.
… Buuuuuut that didn’t happen. Actually, none of that happened. There was no build up. There was no perfectly justifiable reason as
to why the two biggest names in all of comics had to fight. The comic book fanboy within me geeked out a
couple times and even started to shake a little when trailer moments revealed
themselves … to no fruition. Too many
confusing dream sequences instead, including what I was most looking forward to
with my favorite Batman, Gaslight Batman (or “Desert Batman”). Nothing to lead up to; no feelings being
justified in the end with such a magnificent payoff; more a girl so happy to
make out with you and excited for you to put your hands all over her to watch
you get naked and continue with the evening only to stop you and say, “it’s
getting late, I better get back home” when you reach for a condom. But not even that, for even that has great build
up. Just blame it on the real villain of
the story and tell Batman to stop being a bratty little kid, giving Superman
yet again no real depth as a character. !!THERE WAS NO REASON FOR THEM TO FIGHT!! And the fight we did receive was quick,
terribly construed, with no emotional connection to want to engage with a
particular side. It was just Snyder
trying to give us what we wanted with nothing to back it up on, nothing being
the paper-thin explanation of Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) as the instigator of
this fight and the true nemesis of Superman, and also poorly establishing that
relationship and great rivalry. Thus fueling
the hatred that surrounded this film for fanboys to point the finger and say
this is just DC trying to skip ahead to where Marvel is now to try to compete
prematurely. Which DC didn’t need to
follow the same path and format as the other comic book presence in Hollywood
(individual films that lead in anticipation to team-up-to-fight-together-films). Batman and Superman are the two biggest names
in all of comics so DC can start out with the two as we all know and love these
characters. But a poorly constructed
story to lead to the greatest fight in all of comic book history that we’ve waited
literally a lifetime to be apart of, makes us think Marvel’s path is the only
path and DC is just trying to play catch up.
It didn’t have to be this way; they could’ve silenced us all with that
line of thinking with an amazing story here.
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Batman (Ben Affleck) waiting for Superman! |
So many missed opportunities! With
rising tension to build to the match up of the century, the theoretics and
hypotheticals of the BRILLIANT teaser trailer from pundits questioning the very
presence of Superman in our society, the inclusion of Wonder Woman (beautifully
and wonderfully played by Gal Gadot) into a well-connected story that actually
needed her and not simply squishing her in to make her work as a legit
character of this particular story and not just a reminder that she’s there to put
the Justice League together and that her contract says she receives a lot of
screen time so let’s give her that. So
much connectivity needed, so much division received instead! I was waiting for monologues to make sense
and before I knew it they were over and they never paid off. I kept thinking, a lot of the people behind The Dark Knight (2008) were involved in
this, like WRITING and
So, the poorly constructed ground work has been laid, “this
is shitty movie”. But are there any
elements of it that I like? Oh yes, BEN
AFFLECK!! What everyone was so up in arms
about was actually the BEST! THING! ABOUT IT!!
I was one of the minimal few who proudly proclaimed on social media when
the casting news first hit, “I believe in Ben Affleck”, and I’m so glad he
delivered and brought to fruition, our hopes and dreams as to what he could
bring to this character. He did that and
more! Now granted, with a poorly written
story that has a lot of elements to it that it’s trying to cram into one big
story, a lot of things suffer as a result.
So part of this is the feeble internal conflict and transition of hatred
towards Superman and then respect, love and friendship with Superman (all in a
matter of seconds … literally) that Affleck had to portray. But any top notch Oscar actor would’ve done
the same, bad writing is bad writing. It’s
choosing the role/project in the first place that the negative fan boy
nay-sayers have a leg up on.
Nonetheless, when Snyder screened a rough cut to Warner Bros. executives
as well as the cast and crew, they all saw something in Affleck, and I whole
heartedly agree. They deemed him the
definitive Batman. Controversial, as I
can see why other actors to dawn the hood of the cape and cowl could be an
alternative choice, but as with the WB execs … I agree! Affleck is my favorite Batman to date! THAT’S! HOW! BAT! MAN! LOOKS!! Not a regular looking business man who
manages to make it to thy gym when he gets a moment away from the office, like
with Christian Bale. But rather a six
foot 2 plus, muscular, rugged, rough and tough son of a gun! Who will not take any crap from anyone!
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Time. To. Fight! |
The look of the character goes a long way,
and I say this all the time, after that’s accomplished, it doesn’t take much
else to nail the essence of the spirit of the character (just look at Keli Garner
as Marilyn Monroe compared to a more talented yet less effective Michelle
Williams as Marilyn Monroe). As Bruce
Wayne, the depressed billionaire playboy (probably taking from real life experiences) and as the mysterious caped crusader with a fear striking presence in
criminals and any audience in attendance, Ben Affleck delivered! I’m still shaking and getting goose bumps
from how cleverly Snyder introduced how “Batfleck” alters his voice as
Batman! One of my favorite scenes is
this introduction by Jeremy Irons as Alfred.
This voice gave the feelings I desperately needed to feel with this
movie. Sadly, only seldom would it
happen. But I loved hearing Batfleck
speak! I see why Ben Affleck stated he
couldn’t take his young children to see this film as his voice in the bat suit
could give a child nightmares. I’m sure
this will play up more upon in the rated R DVD version (which despite my
disappointment in this film, I’m still eagerly purchasing on day 1!). But his voice alone gives him presence in the
Justice League. When the “big 3”
(Batman, Superman, & Wonder Woman) are meeting for the first time and
forming a team to take out the real evil, Batman deserved to be there as a
legit presence even though he has no super powers. One of the rare times the geek within me
started to shake, because of the voice.
The other was when he first threatened Superman, a line from the trailer
that was heavily spoken afterwards for a year leading up to the film. His voice tone communicated the real presence
of Batman to me and I love my hero all the more now! Batman is finally being portrayed
correctly. It’s nice to see him interact
in the world he belongs to and not just in a realistic Christopher Nolan world,
which is cool because it’s different and it would’ve been nice to see a
Batfleck/real portrayal in that Nolan world.
But, Batman has a family and he’s home again from out on loan with Nolan. I’m happy WB feels as I do about
Batfleck, so much so that he’s getting a solo Batman trilogy (that he gets writing
and directing privileges for) and this new DC extended universe is centered all
on him! So there is hope coming out of
this failing first step into the DCEU. The
film will gross a lot of money which WB will utilize as “proof” that it’s a
good film and to continue with the slate of new films to continue the
universe. So it’s just a minor setback.
I liked the characters, Wonder Woman gives hope to women in
film and inspiration to women outside of film which I’m happy about. I’m all for “girl power” but, it didn’t fit
into this particular story so it felt forced.
Hopefully her solo film will gel better and bring about that message in
a more natural light.
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Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) steps in to save the day! |
I liked what was intended with Lex Luthor. Though it took away from the nucleus, why are
the title cards even fighting in the first place; which most people didn’t know
beforehand and are probably dissatisfied as to why after-hand. Hopefully his relationship with Superman as
his true nemesis will come forth in a much more clarified presence in future
The relationship with the villain and Superman and how the “big
3” took him on made me nod my head and smile.
There are some winks to those who love comics and the world they take us
to which was great. But this monumental
comic book event could’ve been utilized much better later on as we unravel more
of the DCEU and it could’ve helped establish the more unknown characters. Though I was happy to see Aquaman!! The technology of today makes it easier to
film with water so I’m very hopeful for him!!
I loved everything about Batfleck, especially the full IMAX
shots of him in his Superman armor! Though
the story doesn’t help me give him the support he needs and only give the
majority who hated this film going into it more reason to hate it all the more.
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The Dawn ... Of Justice! |
I was so waiting for the famous quote from the most famous
comic of all time with the most famous rivalry between the two biggest names in
all of comics. Batman leans over and
chokes a defeated Superman and with all the justified built up tension and
emotion in his heart, he speaks, “I want
you to remember Clark, in all the years to come, in your most private moments,
I want you to remember my hand at your throat.
I want you to remember the one man … who beat you!”
A 30 year old quote that still sends shivers down my spine! That a rendition, amongst the many that have
taken place since its inception, uttered by Batfleck’s AMAZING bat voice, would’ve
been the cherry on top of a perfectly established world to now be overly
enthusiastic about its creation.
But instead, leaving the theater half excited, if at all, is
how we’re left. Not a triumphant first
step, but a half-hearted one, and so very far from where it needed to land in a
direction of true prosperity, and not just financial success.
Overall, a bad movie with good things about it that makes me
smile when I focus on them.
Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
Action/Adventure, 151 Minutes, PG-13
Written By: Chris Terrio and David S. Goyer
Directed By: Zack Snyder
Cast: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Jesse Eisenberg, Diane
Lane, Laurence Fishburne, Jeremy Irons, Holly Hunter, Scoot McNairy, & Gal
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