Not Choice, Responsibility.
A Review by Ben Hunter
4½ Out of 5 Stars
July 3, 2012
“We all have secrets, the ones
we keep, and the ones that are kept from us.” But it’s up to us how we choose to live our lives daily with
the knowledge that we have. Life
puts us through things we may not like on the journey, but we have the choice
and the power to be the best of ourselves. It is the duty of every man who has the power to make a
difference in another’s life, to take that as an obligation and an honor to
make that difference. “If you can
do good things for other people, you have a moral obligation to do those
things. Not choice … responsibility!”
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
was faced with the tragedy of loosing his parents. Growing up not knowing for sure why your parents left and
then they pass away is heart breaking.
It makes one feel lost and not knowing his place in society. Inheriting his father’s brains, Peter
discovers little secrets to piece together their mysterious disappearance, and
one of the secrets links his father’s close colleague, Dr. Curt Connors (Rhys
Ifans) to the case. As Peter tries
to uncover the truth, he must learn what it means to do what is right when
faced with adversity in life.
Marc Webb (500 Days of Summer) flexes
his action movie directorial muscles for the first time brilliantly here. People felt he may not have been the
right choice due to his credits but boy does he pass the test with flying
colors! I think that Webb’s
romantic work really helps him with Spidey’s story believe it or not. Peter Parker is just a kid, a teenager
with raging hormones that’s been given a gift. He’s trying to do what’s right with this gift by owning up
and helping other with it while trying to have a halfway decent life as a high
school science geek. He has a
crush on a girl at school Gwen Stacy, the first role I feel 100% about with
Emma Stone and feel she’s now off on the right path to becoming one of
Hollywood’s top actresses. There’s
a bully at school he tries to avoid.
Throw in trying to get to the bottom of his parents mysterious
disappearance, oh and not to mention a giant dinosaur like creature is
attacking the city. So looking at
this film from the view of a human taking on life’s obstacles, grieving his
parents, just trying to muster up the courage to ask out the girl he likes, and
taking a genuine interest in his science endeavors, is a great way to look at
this and not just how you could make this a cool action flick. The Amazing Spider-Man is a wonderful tale of triumph, tragic and loss, love,
and all wrapped up with cool action, but it doesn’t make that action the center
of its focus. It’s clear the focus
was properly placed.
due to the fact that the casting was superb! Give an award to the team that brilliantly put this movie
together! Casting goes a long way,
it’s what can make or break your film and Spidey makes it all way climbing to
the top! Andrew Garfield was the
PERFECT choice! Peter Parker was
just a kid, Spider-Man was just a kid; a kid given a great responsibility and
trying to make sense of all that while just being a kid. So some animators forget that and make
Spidey out to be some body builder, muscle man under the suit. When they forget, he’s just a kid! Not here. Garfield’s physique completely resembles the true look of
Spider-Man. A boy on the path to
manhood, that’s been given a lot of strength, but isn’t Schwarzenegger with
super powers like most superheroes are portrayed to be. Casting goes a long way! Simply because Garfield looks the part,
his performance abilities double in effectiveness and delivery because HE LOOKS
THE PART! I wish Hollywood
remembered this when recreating and failing at bringing my all time idol, Marilyn
Monroe, back to life.
It was
a very believable take on the story, more based off the comic whereas Sam
Raimi’s 2002 version was more based on what we the non-comic reading audience
supposedly would like. I liked Raimi’s Spidey, but Webb’s definitely takes the
cake! So things like a high school
science wiz sewed together a tight spandex suit by himself in his room, and the
end result is what we see on all the billboards, posters, and all throughout
the movie, was a believable and aiding trait to the film. I liked the web shooters. It’s believable yet true to the comics,
but the only factor in my opinion up for debate for Raimi’s Spider-Man to have
a leg to stand on to have something over Webb’s Spider-Man.
loved how the inclusion of his parents was added to this take of the
story. Their actual screen time
was minimal but their presence was maximum, all throughout the film. It’s good writing because this is what
will drive the future sequels. I
really want to see where they’ll take this aspect and how it will unravel to
shape and mold Marc Webb’s overall Spider-Man story. In a way that keeps us the audience eagerly waiting for the
next one and not moaning and groaning because yet another Spider-Man movie is
coming out. It doesn’t feel that
way at all and more so like something new and exciting is happening and we all
get to be apart of it!
We get
more of an insight into the characters with the brilliant production
design. As a die-hard lover of the
cinema, it put a smile on my face to learn more about Peter by seeing a Rear
Window poster on the wall of his room,
amongst other things.
Ifans does a brilliant job as always in his role. From the king responsible for all of the work credited today
to William Shakespeare in Anonymous,
to the psychologist boss that steals the girl of the hero using donuts in The
Five Year Engagement. This time I loved him as the brilliant
Dr. Connors, the scientist fueled by the loss of his limb to better life for
all mankind. His character in the
comics and the cartoons always were an aid to Peter Parker/Spider-Man’s
path. Just from Ifans’ incredible
acting, and aside from the writing, I could see the good inside of his
character and how that could play out later when his inner battles with his
alter-ego, The Lizard, come to play with his outer battles with Spidey and
others, such as the golden egg found at the end of the film.

couple minor editing cuts and transitions could’ve been tightened up a little
though and not seeing some really nice shots or quotes in the trailer that I
didn’t experience in the final cut was a little bit of a let down. But it’s all for the aid of the story
and not for the cool shot in the end.
Some of the special effects came off as too “cartoon” and not realistic,
basically The Lizard’s visual affects needing more tightening. I would’ve liked to have seen more of
the theme portrayed during transitions.
When Peter comes home a beaten mess, a quick little reminder as to why
he keeps fighting in a cleverly written way to display that would’ve helped us
remember why he keeps fighting and taken in those moments better.
despite all that, minor flaws in the grand scheme of things because SPIDEY’S
so much fun reliving my childhood all over again. Feeling like I was it was Saturday morning and I was in
front of the TV with my cereal cheering on my idolized superhero!
Stan Lee I’m sure is pleased. The face of Marvel comics has been properly put on display. Families everywhere will enjoy this great look at really experiencing
humanity, having fun with the highflying action, and discovering why Spider-Man
is truly AMAZING!
The Amazing Spider-Man
Action & Adventure, 136
Minutes, PG-13
Story by: James Vanderbilt
Written by: James Vanderbilt,
Alvin Sargent, and Steve Kloves
Directed by: Marc Webb
Cast: Andrew Garfield, Emma
Stone, Rhys Ifans, Denis Leary, with Martin Sheen, and Sally Field
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