About the Author
My name is Ben, nice
to meet you. This is a section to get to know the author of this website
a little.
When my mother went
into labor with me, she and my father were at the drive-in movie theater, yes
the drive-ins and how I miss them, watching the movie Ghostbusters.
That film will forever hold a special place in my heart. But when
my parents told me this, it was the cherry on top of the feelings of passion I
had inside of knowing what I wanted to do with my life.
I was halfway
through college when it hit me. A trailer for the new Star Wars film
aired during a sit-com during the debut of the film. You know, that
exciting period of time, usually the week of, when the film premieres and it's
time to watch that film you've been waiting what feels like forever for.
I thought to myself, "Wow, someone paid a lot of money to put that
there ... wouldn't that be a cool job! I'm studying marketing.
Wait, why don't I just work in movies?! I'll always love
them!" Since that day, it's been official. I started looking
into film schools, enrolled and moved to Hollywood a couple years later, the
very week after I graduated college.
This decision completely made sense. All my life no big life decision really did. When I was a child I remember crying to my mother about all my friends knowing what they wanted to be when they grew up and not me. I remember seriously feeling lost and completely distraught with pain about that as it was VERY important to me, 5 year old me, or so. Movies make me happy. Telling a heart felt, well-written story brings the utmost joy to my life.
I always knew about movies and the world of film, but not like this; this was now a career. So I started to study the movies I watched during the remainder of my college years. My friends now knew me as the movie guy as I started to collect everything I got my hands on. Working at Ruby Tuesday, my weekends would consist of getting off work early in the morning as the restaurant business works that way, going to Wal-Mart, picking up the latest DVD of whatever I found interesting, stopping to get something to eat, and then going home to watch my new DVD while I ate. That following Tuesday, I’d head over to Best Buy and load up on whatever new movie was hot off the press, in addition to whatever else I found interesting. My room quickly filled with DVD’s. I discovered the films of Billy Wilder, Alfred Hitchcock, Orson Welles, James Dean, amongst countless others. This is also the time I fell in love with my girl, Marilyn Monroe. Anyone who knows me, that’s probably the first thing they’ll tell you. Well, that was when we met. I watched her in Niagara and the rest is history. I learned what the basic structure of a movie is in general and developed some interests in particular genres. One of my favorite comedies I discovered then and is still a favorite today.
When I got to film
school, I met like-minded people who had been like I was for their entire lives
where I had only been a couple years. It was so refreshing to meet so
many people with the same interests. This is where I learned to fight for
my passions in life as many discussions about art, which translated to life,
took place. Story structure, production design, costumes, camera work, I
finally got a hold of what makes film work. I was brand new in the actual
city of Hollywood, watching all kinds of films with Q&A’s afterwards,
learning about historic landmarks pertinent to the world of film, I was in
During school I got
a taste of how to work on a movie set. After I graduated I continued to
work in such capacities. This was all during the recession, so
it was here that I proved to myself and to those close to me that I meant what
I said that I was passionate about all of this, that I can go the distance if I
put my mind to it. My family kept begging me to come home all the way
back to Wisconsin, but I refused and chose to stay and fight. I had an
internship on the famous lot of Paramount Pictures and I was determined to keep
it. So I was now on the grind, not just to "make it in
Hollywood" (figuratively as well as literally), but for survival as well.
I was working at Blockbuster while interning at Paramount, struggling to
keep my head above water. Hours were cut due to the recession and I was
only making enough to buy soap, eat a little, and then spend the rest of my
time at the movie theater. Had I put something towards rent, there goes
everything. So I slept in my car. Let me tell you, cold birdbaths over
the sink aren't fun! It was a very discreet time of my life and by far
the lowest point. I remember crying in the front seat of my 2 door Monte
Carlo, with all of my stuff literally packed to the ceiling with no room for
anything else. This was my home on wheels and my life for the next 6
months. My love of film kept me
going. Love got me through.
Looking for work
became 2nd nature. I think I passed around literally hundreds of
resumes, nothing in return though. I applied for anything remotely doable. I even remember applying for an office job at
an adult entertainment company. No word, nothing, zilch. I received
a couple interviews, "we'll keep your resume on file", yada yada
yada. Then Drew Barrymore's Whip It debuted, and I was eager
to see her take on Hollywood as a new director. I had already been giving
little paragraphs on Flixster via Facebook and all my friends would comment
about what I was saying. So I decided to professionally critique Drew
Barrymore's latest effort. I enjoyed the feeling it gave me of expressing
myself within my field of interest. The feeling of having a voice and
that some people might want to listen to what I have to share and express.
So I tried it again with a few favorites like Planet of the
Apes, Abre Los Ojos, and my favorite movie of that year, Inglourious
Basterds. Pretty soon I had friends telling me, "Oh Ben you're so
crazy, but totally spot on, G.I. Joe was terrible!" It just
felt natural to express how I felt about whatever new film was out and then to
incorporate older titles to not forget where I came from in a sense. So I
just kept doing what felt natural. It really felt like I had to
professionally share what I felt with others.
When I would hang
out with friends, you know, just catching up or to go hang out somewhere;
randomly, out of nowhere, one of them would say, "oh yeah I read what you
said about Inception, I totally get where you were coming from!"
Or "Yeah Ben, I loved what you said about Iron Man, I
totally agree!" "Thanks for sharing this Ben, I love
your point of view on film!" I would wish someone a happy
birthday on his or her Facebook and they'd respond with, "Thanks Ben!
Oh by the way, I love reading your reviews/what you said about (insert
movie title)!" All random comments, all out of nowhere, this put the
biggest smile on my face. The fact that people were listening to
what I had to share. So I just kept at it, and years later, working a day
job, eating again (thank God), here I am, at it professionally and
This was my
"Rocky Moment" in life, as I know that I have what it takes.
I'm now working towards helping others realize that they have it
within themselves as well. During this time a couple of my Spanish
girlfriends informed me that "lindo" is Spanish for "cute",
and my nickname just came about.

Thank you for
reading. Hopefully something I create will make your life a little better
than before.
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