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"Teen Spirit", 2019 |
As I gear up for the next chapter, I see it’s time again to review the year, cinematically. I’m learning and growing, and boy has this year been different. I can’t believe how far I’ve come. Hollywood absolutely disgusts me. The one-sidedness, the groupthink, the outcasting because of such, the politics the politics the politics! It’s just pushed me completely away. Remembering being that naive 24 year old intern working at Paramount and dreaming of becoming an executive or an award winning filmmaker on the inside, just so desperate to break in. I would’ve done anything to become, “one of them”. And that’s the problem. As it would be in just about any relationship. That girl you like won’t like you back for this very reason. But even then, Hollywood is another world beyond the hottest girl that gives you butterflies. And I just wouldn’t listen. I had to see for myself just how ugly and fixed this industry is to see that I don’t belong. The only way it could work between us is the independent route of me going my own way online and building an audience and body of work (as I’m currently doing). Or them coming to me, most likely from the former route I just described, and coming to mutual terms. Either way, I no longer seek that foolish dream of “making it big” as a movie star or industry professional. I’m creating my own path, and for the first time in probably ever, I can see clearly. I’ve sincerely let go of Hollywood. If it’s meant to be it’s meant to be. But I’m no longer actively pursuing her. At least not in the traditional route. I’m talking about politics, culture, family, spiritual manner, all in addition to entertainment, which includes film (check it out here).
There’s so much more to experience in life. And movies are one aspect of me that I had to learn to stop worshipping and live in other aspects of my personality and my journey. Otherwise I’m just an ignorant boy, who still hasn’t grown up and realized there’s more to life, more matters important to my wellbeing. Only then will something, maybe movies, truly come alive and your path honestly revealed. Once I figured this out, who I am and what I stand for, Hollywood’s real appearance became visible. Not as attractive as I made her to be. She’s not everything. She’s only one part of life. A part that combined with the media and education, are really displaying how ugly she can be. So dig into the seams and get beneath the surface headlines and talking points to really understand what’s going on. And that’s what I did. I didn’t like what I saw. The covering up of bad players to expose the others of opposing views. The constant indoctrination, the agendas, all masked under ignorance, fake motives, and downright entitlement (spoken as “liberty”) when pressed.
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"Knives Out", 2019 |
But as I said, I’ve moved on. I’ve made peace with this woman I’ve chased for so long. She isn’t all of my world, only a small part of it. I do know a lot about her, and still love her good aspects, very much so. I can talk about them for hours. Like now when it’s awards season and time to review the year again. But hoping it leads to something fruitful and prosperous in my career? That died 2 years ago when I didn’t know it yet. And probably a lot longer ago before that really. No, I just know a lot about movies and love talking about them still, that’s it.
I do plan on expanding into features or shorter projects if my commentary takes off. But again, only on my terms. I have no plans or interest in trying to intertwine romantically with the mainline go along to get along system in place now. If something happens it happens and hopefully I can make a difference. But I don’t want to give the impression I’m secretly hoping for this. Or speaking boldly while secretly leaving the back door wide open. I will always have a love for film and will continue to work with the skills she’s given me for over a decade now (wow, I feel old now). As evidenced by the new path I’ve discovered I’m now upon. It’s the tired and downright ignorant mindset of trying to break in amongst the millions upon millions upon millions of others all doing the exact same things as I was. It was all I could see as I was so blinded by it when I first moved to Los Angeles. Now, having stubbornly stayed in the city with all its costly living habit destructions because of, again, more of the agenda being pushed, I see the place in a completely different light now. Not as a movie town, but a big city with lots of homeless people from the failed policies of the agenda; dirtiness, and a lot of clogging up the streets with massive traffic all trying to get to work and where they need to go to get by to the next moment and feel validated in life. Preferably to get noticed on social media. When I was a wet behind the ears college grad, diploma still in hand, eager for film school to start in a couple weeks in the heart of Hollywood, all I saw was a movie town. And boy was I so ready for her, Hollywood.
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"Wild Rose", 2019 |
As I gear up for the next chapter, looking back, it’s humbling to see how far I’ve come. To see my mentality change for the better and my priorities shift. I know I had to go through what I did to get to this point a new person and a better man. For awhile it felt like I was wasting time to find my true fulfilling. Now, I see that was all a part of the process to figure out where that somewhere is and that now is the right course. Thank you God for bringing me to this point, a man all the more wiser having been thankful for the lessons and growth to realize I’m where I’m supposed to be.
To a new decade. Out with the old, the bad and the ugly, and into a new era!
Here’s the last of an era, my favorite films of 2019!
I was intrigued at the dynamic of the relationship between the two. One being more traditional the other more evolving and progressive. It sucked me in once they lightly started to get into it and debate why they differ due to their fundamental differences of their world views. Though the film does a great job of just explaining that they disagree and leaving it at that without clearly taking a side and forcing you to make the same decision as the film. It isn’t trying to make a political statement on how we should live our lives as Christians or as Catholics. It’s just telling an engaging story of how to conduct ourselves as people in a heavily divided time today. And what’s amazing is this happened in real life. Makes me smile, even still when thinking about the cringeworthy behavior of this current Pope, portrayed by Jonathan Pryce’s character. Whom I scratch my head as he’s being recognized as the lead and Anthony Hopkins the supporting. I guess? I see why that was done this way, but, not really. Still a great film regardless, even if it is only in the fantasy realm of motion pictures.
Well would you look at that! A Marvel film made the favorites list of a tough film critic, AND THE TOP TEN AT THAT!! Congratulations all around! Even if this might be it with the “inevitable” Marvel fatigue on the horizon with this next phase. This being the end of an era, the season finale if it were TV, and the running of the bulls with the ushering in of the streaming era, I see Endgame as the finale of the Marvel fanatic. It’ll stick around for sure, but nowhere to this level. The anticipation was properly built, as if it came from a business school text book. A YEAR we waited! And rightfully so, it delivered. But with the streaming era in full swing now, and the studio this property mostly belongs to having launched it’s streaming service and making the what I think to be a mistake of tying all the programing for that into whatever film is released, all woven together, with a bunch of stuff nobody asked for but will be fed because it’s the end of the golden age of comics (no Iron Man or Captain America, etc.), the Marvel fatigue will be … “inevitable”. But the little boy within geeking out on Spider-Man on Saturday mornings with a big ol' “jethro bowl” of cereal can still enjoy this moment for what it is. One that goes out with a rightfully earned bang!
And would you look at that? Captain America himself (Chris Evans) makes the cut in back to back slots! Well okay, I just wanted to throw that fact in there. He was “ah-ight”. The real wonder here is my rekindling with writer/director Rian Johnson. I don’t like his movies, any of them. He made his big break with a modern day noir, something I should be jumping at as that’s my FAVORITE genre and right up my alley! Hated it, even years later when I thought I’d be able to at least have a different and more mature perspective (face palm emoji). Or Looper, so innovative and taking a chance, nope, strike two. Then there’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi … not enough room here for that, strike three bottom line. So when I saw he’s got a new film coming out after Star Wars, I IMMEDIATELY said to myself, “HARD PASS!!” I only saw it (just days ago before writing these very words, so, it’s pretty fresh in my mind still) because it garnered awards attention. Regular average Joe moviegoers said they liked it, but no one was ecstatic, so I kept putting it off even after the awards notice. I guess with needing just one more film to complete my standard 20 year end favorites was what tipped the scales and got my butt into the theater seat. It’s not 100%, but I’m glad it’s rekindled the relationship with myself and Rian. Even if he is a big SJW (social justice warrior) off set. Another reason why I loved the film actually. He gets into that in the movie! And I can honestly say as someone of the opposing side, he was fair! Respect.
I’m glad I got to this one when I did. I thought I’d miss it for having been pre-occupied with other things and putting it off for a good month. But it’s good, all around. And so that theater I kept telling myself I’d go to, kept the film! A small theater that’s not going to keep something if it stinks. There’s so much (mostly fluff) out there that can hopefully make a buck and so little space to show it in. But Boon Jong Ho’s latest is one of the gems to discover in all the fluff floating around out there. Why theaters held onto it for … it’s probably still out now at the time of this publication with all the awards attention it’s receiving. So go see it! It’s not just for us artsy folk. Even if it is in Korean. And THAT says a lot in favor of this! Bravo!
Oh my gosh Adam Driver! Deep down I always knew you had it in you, but BY GOSH DID THAT PROVE TRUE!! Heck yes, what a performance!! In particular that big argument in the living room between the two divorcees. Man, the ugliness of divorce and how marriage is work. Another reminder that we all know to be true but always overlook because it sounds so obvious, to be sure when you choose whom to spend the rest of your life with. Sounds very basic and obvious, but this goes over our heads when we first meet and her well kept and shapely bottom or his big arms and tight abs are all we can think about. This film shot Adam Driver up on the noticeability list and Scarlett Johansson downwards. Which is sad because she used to be my main girl, my living Marilyn (anyone who knows me knows I adore Marilyn, and since she’s gone, Scarlett was my living embodiment of her). She’s not that smoking hot, 24 year old who proved herself as more than a pretty face with talent worthy, quirky yet serious, Woody Allen films. She’s in a different place in her life now. And I just can’t travel there with her. I don’t see the same girl anymore. Her cringing political, militant feminist persona aside, that doesn’t help but, not even considering that here. Writer/Director Noah Bombach hones in on the husband and wife dynamic and brings out a gripping story of how our families need to be strong if we’re to be a strong society. And he pulls it off, even with my feelings for Scarlett in the picture.
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Adam Driver, Azhy Robertson, & Scarlett Johansson, "Marriage Story", 2019 |
Oh my gosh Adam Driver! Deep down I always knew you had it in you, but BY GOSH DID THAT PROVE TRUE!! Heck yes, what a performance!! In particular that big argument in the living room between the two divorcees. Man, the ugliness of divorce and how marriage is work. Another reminder that we all know to be true but always overlook because it sounds so obvious, to be sure when you choose whom to spend the rest of your life with. Sounds very basic and obvious, but this goes over our heads when we first meet and her well kept and shapely bottom or his big arms and tight abs are all we can think about. This film shot Adam Driver up on the noticeability list and Scarlett Johansson downwards. Which is sad because she used to be my main girl, my living Marilyn (anyone who knows me knows I adore Marilyn, and since she’s gone, Scarlett was my living embodiment of her). She’s not that smoking hot, 24 year old who proved herself as more than a pretty face with talent worthy, quirky yet serious, Woody Allen films. She’s in a different place in her life now. And I just can’t travel there with her. I don’t see the same girl anymore. Her cringing political, militant feminist persona aside, that doesn’t help but, not even considering that here. Writer/Director Noah Bombach hones in on the husband and wife dynamic and brings out a gripping story of how our families need to be strong if we’re to be a strong society. And he pulls it off, even with my feelings for Scarlett in the picture.
Never heard of this one huh? This is why I love what I do. Searching in today’s world of massive fluff, easily discovering the true gems in a sea of mostly crap. So this one just rose to the surface like a virgin ready and waiting for me and only me to fulfill her. Really, that’s how this felt. Like we were meant to be. After getting into heated debates about the legitimacy of Lady Gaga, a mega superstar who bombarded her way to the front of the line in Hollywood, after calming down from all of that and having moved on, my virgin appeared. This much better, proving my point in the Lady Gaga/A Star Is Born arguments, comes along and makes everything right again, balancing The Force. A no-named, up and comer, Jessie Buckley, who can sing, dance, and act, acts in a film about a no-named, aspiring up and comer, who tries to make it big in the industry. For this material, it has to be the same scenario on and off camera for it to REALLY work. Otherwise, it’s a big named celebrity playing a part they’re not quite right for, the casting is off and the material doesn’t TRULY come to life. That was my argument with Lady Gaga in A Star Is Born … a star wasn’t born. Lady Gaga was just playing a girl who "magically" had a great voice and we’re supposed to be in awe of that. You might as well have casted Brad Pitt as Mary Poppins. He’s a good actor. And it’s all about acting anyways right? Just accept Lady Gaga wowing a crowd with her voice for the first time as if it’s something special! Which is why I related more with Bradley Cooper in that film than her. Jessie Buckley in Wild Rose is the PERFECT example for how this material should be portrayed. Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday is another. Yes, mega/ultra superstar Audrey Hepburn, where do you think it all started? *insert wink emoji* And would you look at that? A couple months later, “that girl from that country music version of A Star Is Born” is now in that Judy Garland biopic. If Wild Rose picks up in the subsequent years as a cult classic as the general public start to discover it (as is typical for indie films to find favor with Average Joe movie goers), a star will truly be born. And another Lady Gaga won’t be taking the opportunity away from another Jessie Buckley who had to work twice as hard to get a Wild Rose because she lost that massive opportunity with A Star Is Born. Check it out, it’s a necessary and much better take on a story as old as time. Why A Star Is Born never needed to be remade for the 4th time in the first place. But a Wild Rose for the first time, re-innovating the material, and birthing new stars all over? We need a whole lot more of that today!
On that re-innovating note, as well as that aforementioned Marvel fatigue, this one deserves my utmost respect! Especially since the upcoming previews had me laughing at it and anticipating it’d be a surefire slot in my worst of this year. Oh boy oh boy am I glad I was so very proven wrong! It’s an upside down, reversed version the classic story of Superman! Bizzaro Superman for my fellow comic book geeks out there. So instead of the good, wholesome, and kindhearted little boy scout we’ve all come to know and love, betrothed to a loving farm couple … he’s evil! That’s right, “Superman” is evil! Little "Clark Kent" (Brandon) wreaks havoc on the village farm people. Injuring, harming, creepily stalking, and brutally murdering each one that gets in his way! It’s a well done little horror flick that deserves a lot of attention. James Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy) goes back to his roots of what got him in the door with another indie horror flick (like Slither or even the recent Beltko), but tapping into the superhero phenomena we’re in before the river runs dry and making it his own. Gunn helped with the writing and producing and passed on the directing duties to an up comer (see A Star Is Born?), as he did with Beltko. I’m happy there’s still people carrying on in the art of original filmmaking. It gives me what little hope there is left to hold onto when I lay numb to the majority of what’s out there and why I continue to press on at times, hoping to come across something like this, keeping the spirit alive!
Speaking of spirit (I’m on a roll, and I swear it’s just working out this way), and speaking of a star being born (again, just happened), this is another example of what to do instead of remaking A Star Is Born for the 4th time. This ranks higher than Wild Rose for me as it takes a chance with going the pop route and not coming off as pop culture and flashy but artsy and different. Even when laced with pop culture songs all throughout. I do like Elle Fanning though (Dakota’s little sister). Ever since The Neon Demon three years ago (another indie sleeper hit) she’s stood out to me, even when she’s apart of things that don’t get it right. She portrayed a newbie up and comer who’s trying to get her foot in the door and is still not famous enough in real life to where it still works. You can put a Natalie Portman in this kind of role, and it’ll pass … for the most part. But it’s just not truly fulfilling the material, “so what’s the problem then Ben?!” Because why do it in the first place?!! If passable and going for the surefire marketing solidification, then why try to recreate art at all? More stupid fluff to sift through to find a Wild Rose or a Teen Spirit!
“… But Lady Gaga did a good job acting so what’s the problem?!!” *insert face palm emoji*
2. 1917
The best movie of the year! By traditional standards, by typical award winning standards, by the book, by the classroom teaching the basics for years and decades to come ’til the end of time, this is how you win an Oscar and truly declare yourself the best of the year, with both critics and Average Joes. Yup, it’s that kind of film. It’s the heavily recognizable answer, my number one this year just happens to be my favorite of the year. But 1917 is by all accounts, the best. It’s a war epic. Another one of those one shot, no cuts, wow you with the cinematography kind of films. Birdman (2014) was the last film I can remember to do this, and lo and behold, it won the Oscar that year. And like this year, it was the textbook answer, though Planet of the Apes was my favorite, go figure. Writer/Director Sam Mendes (American Beauty, Skyfall) does it again, so much so that the Queen of England is knighting him. Maybe not because of the film, but still, I wouldn’t be surprised. It shocked everyone on the first major stop on the awards trail and has been selling out theaters ever since! Rightfully so, be sure to make the effort yourself and join in on the magic! So you can say you were there, and witnessed it all!
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Dean-Charles Chapman & George MacKay, "1917", 2019 |
The best movie of the year! By traditional standards, by typical award winning standards, by the book, by the classroom teaching the basics for years and decades to come ’til the end of time, this is how you win an Oscar and truly declare yourself the best of the year, with both critics and Average Joes. Yup, it’s that kind of film. It’s the heavily recognizable answer, my number one this year just happens to be my favorite of the year. But 1917 is by all accounts, the best. It’s a war epic. Another one of those one shot, no cuts, wow you with the cinematography kind of films. Birdman (2014) was the last film I can remember to do this, and lo and behold, it won the Oscar that year. And like this year, it was the textbook answer, though Planet of the Apes was my favorite, go figure. Writer/Director Sam Mendes (American Beauty, Skyfall) does it again, so much so that the Queen of England is knighting him. Maybe not because of the film, but still, I wouldn’t be surprised. It shocked everyone on the first major stop on the awards trail and has been selling out theaters ever since! Rightfully so, be sure to make the effort yourself and join in on the magic! So you can say you were there, and witnessed it all!
So yes, this is my favorite. I could make the argument that it’s the best by the textbook as well. But I’m not a passionate and naive 24 year old studio intern anymore. They were both good and I enjoyed this one more because of it’s fun and innovative nature. Even more so than the stoic and beautiful painting like nature of 1917. This one has that spunky editing style that’s colorful and charismatic. It’s funny, it’s fun, it’s charming and witty, almost as if it were a graphic novel (it is actually, that's the original source material), but not in your face like a Sin City, but more similar to a Shoot ‘Em Up. As the year played out (this came out in January!) it stayed at the top for me, always number one. That can be biased or the opposite and the point I’m trying to make. I’ll take it as the latter. The only film that could've knocked this off the thrown is the one gearing up to win all the awards (almost a year after Polar!). When the hype of Joker calmed down, I came back to my senses. This one is my favorite and could be argued as the best. Though I’m more than happy to get behind 1917 and claim this one as my personal favorite for the year. 1917 will probably make my best of the decade list, this being the end of an era and all. But I will never forget the spunky fun I had while experiencing Polar!
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Mads Mikkelsen & Vanessa Hudgens, "Polar", 2019 |
So yes, this is my favorite. I could make the argument that it’s the best by the textbook as well. But I’m not a passionate and naive 24 year old studio intern anymore. They were both good and I enjoyed this one more because of it’s fun and innovative nature. Even more so than the stoic and beautiful painting like nature of 1917. This one has that spunky editing style that’s colorful and charismatic. It’s funny, it’s fun, it’s charming and witty, almost as if it were a graphic novel (it is actually, that's the original source material), but not in your face like a Sin City, but more similar to a Shoot ‘Em Up. As the year played out (this came out in January!) it stayed at the top for me, always number one. That can be biased or the opposite and the point I’m trying to make. I’ll take it as the latter. The only film that could've knocked this off the thrown is the one gearing up to win all the awards (almost a year after Polar!). When the hype of Joker calmed down, I came back to my senses. This one is my favorite and could be argued as the best. Though I’m more than happy to get behind 1917 and claim this one as my personal favorite for the year. 1917 will probably make my best of the decade list, this being the end of an era and all. But I will never forget the spunky fun I had while experiencing Polar!
And of course, I always review 20. This year, I must say, I was THIS close to writing it off and just leaving it at 12 or 13. The last half could easily be my honorable mentions this season. Hence, why there are none this year. I just BARELY reached 20, and that’s when I bent the rules to reach that. Thanks Hollywood! *facepalm emoji*
11. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
12. Joker
13. Uncut Gems
14. Fighting With My Family
15. No Safe Spaces
16. The Dirt
17. John Wick 3
18. Richard Jewell
19. The Farewell
20. The Peanut Butter Falcon
A couple of necessary explanations for some stuff you’re probably wondering why you don’t see up here.
It’s between this and 1917 this season. Director Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro are tag teaming the headline again with Joe Pesci and Al Pacino in the supporting weeds. Talk about bringing out the big guns! But right off the bat, I see it’s a Netflix film, so I immediately put off seeing it in the theaters. Especially with its nearly 4 HOUR RUN TIME when you include previews! INSTANT turn off! I’m definitely waiting for Netflix now. And when that day came, as they made a deal with theaters to give the theater circuit 3 weeks before that fateful day when most of us would see it (at home during the Thanksgiving holiday), I lost interest about the last hour to go. It was just too freaking long! But aside from that, what else Ben? I fairly enjoyed it up to that point. An intriguing gangster story. But yet another gangster story from the usual suspects, Scorcese, De Niro, Pacino, Pesci, … Liotta, Sorvino, Duvall … take your pick and mix ‘em up to bring us yet another “masterpiece” gangster flick. “Oh another gangster film from the usual suspects … yeah okay, whatever. Is it on Netflix?? *fingers crossed emoji* Oh it is? Whew! A 4 hour run time for this? That I have to see because it’s a serious awards contender but that’s about it … okay, I'll watch it.” And up to about the 2 and a half hour point, I was ready for it to be over and forced the last hour through. And I’m glad that I don’t have to deal with this film anymore now. THAT’S why you don’t hear about it from me.
Most people seemed to like this one. It came across as cute and cuddly and adorable so why wouldn’t you like it Ben? It just didn’t work for me. It was trying to tackle the seriousness of WW2 in a cute and cuddly way with the boy and girl lead. A Hitler Youth boy and a Jew girl who become friends as we witness the destruction of the Nazi regime. Hitler himself being the imaginary friend of the boy, as he’s so entrenched in the Nazi position. Sounds interesting, but it screams “we’re another Moonrise Kingdom (2012)!” And as another Moonrise Kingdom … it isn’t. Short and sweet and simple and to the point but builds the tension as things escalate but still keeps its eye focused on the theme and moral of the story, feels big at the end but still that small indie flick that it began with which made us fall in love with the whole thing by the end because of what it is at its heart: a love story between 2 kids, a boy and a girl, that’s it. What's the "that's it" of JoJo Rabbit? Is it a love story between the 2? Is it to open our eyes about the spoils of war? To learn to not judge one another and honor our differences? All while laughing at how funny all of this is? Yeah, that’s probably what writer/director Taika Waititi (who plays Hitler in the film) was going for. And if written better with tighter, crisper dialogue, I guess this could work and build up as Moonrise did. A firmer grasp of the relationship between the boy and girl and really honing in on that purpose perhaps? Instead of showing how the Nazi’s went down and laughing about it and driving that point home. But tying that into the relationship of the leads to bring them together so hard that we the audience are rooting for them and shed a tear when the boy turns from the dark side and we’re into the escalation as tensions rise towards the big climax at the end. To feel warm hearted and cleansed as our heroes have pulled through. I see now I didn’t care much about these 2 kids. That’s the problem, losing sight of what’s truly important to carry this story (the 2 kids’ relationship) and not so much on the funny Nazi stuff. I cared IMMENSELY of the two love birds in Moonrise, so everything around it just worked. Maybe it was just the acting of the kids in JoJo? But the boy lead kid is being praised, was up for a Golden Globe (for LEAD actor!), and all I see when I see that is a bit of exaggeration. This being a comedy, he was sharing the category with the likes of Leo DiCaprio and even Eddie Murphy who I thought was a filler since the Globes split the categories and make room for more nominees. So people want to love this film. I’m glad it worked for you. I just remembered I own Moonrise Kingdom. It’s time to go watch how it’s done. Hats off to Taika though for getting to do what he wanted with this, if not just for the most part anyways.
And even more as per usual …
Velvet Buzzsaw
Captive State
The Beach Bum
Under The Silver Lake
Dragged Across Concrete
High Life
Booksmart (*middle finger emoji*)
The Last Black Man In San Francisco
The Dead Don’t Die
Escape Room
Ad Astra
Little Monsters
The Lighthouse (*cry and face palm emojis*)
The (Torture) Report
Greener Grass
So let’s recap 2019. The end of an era, the last of a decade!
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1. Polar
2. 1917
3.Teen Spirit
4. Brightburn
5. Wild Rose
6. Marriage Story
7. Parasite
8. Knives Out
9. Avengers: End Game
10. The Two Popes
11. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
12. Joker
13. Uncut Gems
14. Fighting With My Family
15. No Safe Spaces
16. The Dirt
17. John Wick 3
18. Richard Jewell
19. The Farewell
20. The Peanut Butter Falcon
Peace & love everyone! See you next time having more growth as a new and better person! So be sure to go and do the same!
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