... Except For Rocket
of the Galaxy (2014)
A Review By Ben Hunter
2½ Out Of 5 Stars
August 1, 2014
Wasn't terrible, wasn't great either ... but Rocket was AWESOME!
A husband, forced to live a life he didn’t want to
live. Compelled by society to keep his
true persona and that of his entire family a secret, not feeling strong enough
as a man to protect his family as a result.
A very relatable and likable character along with his wife, daughter,
and 2 sons, one of which a baby; all first time superheroes by the way.
A story, primarily geared for younger audiences, yet well
received by everyone, earning an OSCAR NOMINATION for original screenplay. Originality, quality, first time superheroes
we’re introduced to, a sequel now in the works, The Incredibles.
I wanted to say the same for James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy, something
original, of good quality, primarily geared for kids, and maybe we’d get lucky
with an Oscar worthy screenplay like we did with The Incredibles. We weren’t
expecting that, I wasn’t expecting Guardians to blow me away as it seems to
have done such with EVERYONE, critics and general audiences alike. That caught my attention. But I can’t say the same … except for the
genetically engineered raccoon character, “Rocket” the one thing I thought
would’ve been wrong.
Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) discovers an orb on the planet
Morag, after having been abducted by space pirates from his home on Earth who
put a bounty on him after discovering his possession with the orb. This is what sets things in motion as Gamora
(Zoe Saldana) needs it to defy her adopted family and break free. Rocket (brilliantly voiced by Bradley Cooper)
and his tree-like humanoid “Groot” (voiced by Vin Diesel) discover the bounty
on Quill and they all become intertwined.
Later discovering Drax (Dave Bautista) who has a score to settle with
the villain of the story Ronan (Lee Pace); the group discovers they’ve had the tendency
of being kicked around all their lives and not being taken seriously, they in
avertedly become a team of superheroes “The Guardians of the Galaxy”.
Going into this one I was very
sketchy. It just didn’t look appealing
or that it would “stick”. A friend of
mine pointed out that it was geared primarily for younger audiences and that
put things into perspective. Still, some
of my favorite films and one in particular, Wall-E,
which isn’t really for kids but everyone thinks it is, is one of my ALL TIME
favorite films. So I was still eager to
check this out and hopefully my cinematic intuition would be proven wrong. It wasn’t … except for Rocket.
![]() |
The Guardians Of The Galaxy |
Rocket was the main point I
thought would be terribly wrong with this story. I kept looking at this through the eyes of
the common, adult, moviegoer. “A raccoon
as a superhero?? What is this a kids
film? Oh I can take my kids to this, but
this is not something I’d take seriously as a great film to experience for
myself”. “What in the world is that tree
trunk looking thing?” I still say that
about Groot, which wasn’t that bad though, wasn’t great either, but Rocket
completely proved me wrong and I’m so glad he did! In my favorite sitcom “American Dad” the meat
and potatoes are the main characters of the family, the husband and wife, Stan
& Francine and how their relationship plays out over the episodes. But the blood flowing through this skeleton
of Stan & Francine is the alien they hide in their attic that makes the
show work fluidly and gives it electricity, Roger. Rocket was the Roger of Guardians. By gosh he had me
laughing so much!
But well placed, quirky lines of
dialogue don’t make up for a decent and a not too bad of a job type of
story. It definitely doesn’t call for
worship of a particular film! The Stan
& Francine here didn’t get me invested enough to jump on this bandwagon of
worship. That’s Quill, Gamora, and her
quarrel with Ronan, Thanos and all the major Marvel storylines that are brewing
to come about in future cinematic endeavors.
I could’ve cared less about all that when I should’ve been so eager to
wonder what was going to come about in the future as well as however many
minutes were left in Guardians. It came off as “completely” for kids with
some cool lines from Rocket to throw a bone to us adults and not something for
EVERYONE like a Kung Fu Panda or a Ninja Turtles. The feeling of “comic-booky” just kept
overwhelming me as each brand new, foreign, elaborate make up, and costume job
appeared, along with that feeling of “Oh Lord, here we go” in anguish and even
a little disgust of how much better it could’ve come about. I said that out loud a couple times “Oh Lord
…”, while shaking my head.
Just like with Dwayne “The Rock”
Johnson, Dave Bautista another wrestler turned actor is trying to “make it big
in Hollywood” and if their movies sell/make a lot of money in the box office
then that makes them “legit”. Hashtag,
cringe. A no name with stupendous acting
and newly started career would’ve done so much better. But Hollywood "made it work" for someone from another industry to help ticket sales as that's what's always more important to Hollywood.
Or Zoe Saldana is yet again “kind
of romantically intertwined” with someone who just can’t be African American;
hashtag, cringe. I don’t even know where
to begin with that. Loved her butt shot though.

I could go on. Loved the vintage music, another bone to the
adults. It had potential. It didn’t completely “suck”. Props to Marvel for taking a chance on completely foreign, risky material and connecting with the average person who saw it. I know I’m alone on this one and just like
with Gravity I completely do not
care. That’s what that experience taught
me. Stand up for what you believe
in. So that kind of applies here as the
Guardians did just that as people tired of being kicked around all their
lives. Gunn and his team had something
there and should’ve ran with it. That
scene, however, where they officially realize this and come together was
another “missed moment” though.
… Except for Rocket.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Action & Adventure, 121 Minutes, PG-13
Written by: James Gunn and Nicole Perlman
Based Upon the Comic Book by: Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning
Directed by: James Gunn
Cast: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana,
Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Lee Pace, Djimon Hounsou, John C.
Reiley, Benecio Del Toro, & Glenn Close
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